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A Big Question to Consider Before You Change Jobs…

Scott Mabry


Do you enjoy and value the people you work with?

If the answer is, “yes” — read on.

If the answer is, “no” — carry on (with your job change).

Here’s my point of view after working for multiple companies in roles from entry level management to senior executive. And when I say multiple companies, I mean everything from early-stage-start-ups to major corporations.

Don’t leave if your only motive is to escape the problems.

Every company has problems and they are generally THE SAME problems.

They all struggle with priorities, try to do too many things and go too fast or not enough things and go too slow.

They all have problems with communication and departments stepping on each other and too many meetings or the wrong meetings.

They all have culture challenges and even if the organization tries to have a healthy culture, there will be pockets conflict or negativity.

Insert your problems here:

All the problems will most likely reappear in due time, perhaps in a new form or with a new name, but they will create the same frustrations.



Scott Mabry

Founder of Tie-Dye Leadership. Let's make the world a better workplace.