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The roots of leadership — vulnerability

Scott Mabry
2 min readFeb 14, 2023


“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” — Brené Brown

This quote sums up why vulnerability is a root of leadership. Leadership is fundamentally the instrument of change.

Change requires courage.

It takes courage to put your idea into the arena.

To be true to your values when asked to compromise.

To say what you see, at the risk of standing out from the group.

To be courageous is to be vulnerable.

To face risk.

Vulnerability is not soft.

It is fierce.

Especially when you have to come clean.

That you don’t know.

That you missed the opportunity.

That you went too far or not far enough.

Especially when you decide to ask,

For forgiveness.

Do you see the connection? Every act of vulnerability is the spark of change. A leader who successfully maintains the status quo, is not leading. They may be safe, but they are not creating. That are not having an impact.

Vulnerability creates connection. As people see your courage, your action, your honesty, they see you as real. They see you as human. More than that, they see someone who isn’t just talking about change but trying to make it happen.

You inspire vulnerability in others. In your group. Deeper and more productive dialogue. Passion. Friction. Honesty. Many people dream about change but they need to see someone else go first.

Be that someone.

What conversation have you been putting off?

What idea have you been sitting on waiting for the right moment?

What frustration are you accepting when you could be acting on a solution?

What are you pretending not to know?

If you did have the courage, what is one thing you would do tomorrow? Better yet, what is one thing you should do right now? What is holding you back? What is your fear of vulnerability costing you? Your team?

Yes, it could go wrong. But you won’t have to live with the sense of desperation, judgment, or disappointment that churns in us when we don’t act on what our inner voice is telling us.

Vulnerability is water and sunshine to our leadership roots. It makes growth possible. It makes the roots deeper, the trunk wider, the branches higher. We are stronger in the face of the storm. More adaptable. More productive.

Don’t wait for an invitation.

The door opens from the inside.

If you’d like to learn more about my work and how I might be able to assist you in your leadership journey through a personal and practical coaching experience please contact me here.



Scott Mabry

Leader and coach. Founder of Tie-dye Leadership. Make the world a better workplace through your unique experiences and gifts.